
Showing posts from September, 2022

QPR at MCC! - A free, 2 hour class coming up Saturday, October 15!

  Did you know that much like CPR or the Heimlich maneuver, the fundamentals of QPR are easily learned?  Did you know that you may be able to save a life?        By learning QPR, you will come to recognize the warnings signs, clues, and suicidal communications of people in trouble, and gain skills that may prevent a  tragedy . QPR is not a form of counseling or treatment.  It's intended to offer hope, both to you and to someone with suicidal thoughts or plans.  You will learn how to:                          Question...a person about suicide.                         Persuade...someone to get help and,                        Refer...someone to the appropriate resource Coming up on Saturday, October. 15 9:30am at Monmouth Christ...

Mental Health Tools & Skills - Therapy in a Nutshell!

  Everyone needs mental health tools & skills! Just like building a house or fixing a car, you need to understand what's going on & be able to apply the appropriate strategies.  You need to know where your expertise leaves off, when you need a team, and when you need professional help.  This is true whether or not you've ever been diagnosed with a specific mental illness.  For example, we all have thoughts & feelings that need understanding & managing, especially when life is hard & we're suffering.                        Therapy in a Nutshell One of the best free resources I've found online is Therapy in a Nutshell.  Emma McAdam is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist , (LMFT) and a Christian.   She has, at last count, about 30 educational videos on YouTube focused on how to process your emotions , and a FREE mental health course, Grounding Skills for Anxiety on her ...

Mental Health Ministries - online!

  There are some amazing online mental health ministries!  From support and education, to self-directed & small group materials, these ministries are not only true to the Gospel, but practical & scientifically based!   This month I'll highlight two of my favorites. The Mental Health Grace Alliance This ministry was founded in 2011.  Their curriculums use a whole-heath approach, integrating evidence-based science (neuroscience, psychology, biomedical, etc.) and Biblical scriptures/faith experience for mental health recovery & resilience.   They have materials for individuals, churches, groups & families, plus training resources for group leaders.  Their materials are available in digital & physical form, & reasonably priced. There are also a wealth of articles on their website which answer questions in a variety of categories:  Faith and mental health, For ministry leaders, For students, Marriage & family needs, and...

Brain Health - a new way of looking at mental health!

Did you know that psychiatrists are the only MDs that rarely look at the organ they treat?     Did you know that it's possible to scan your brain & find out what's really going on? I'm an unabashed fan of Dr. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist who has used brain scans for well over 20 years as part of a thorough  assessment.  Scans allow development  of an individualized treatment plan with better outcomes & fewer side effects.  Just before I turned 70, I went to Dr. Amen's clinic in Bellevue, WA.  (He has 6 around the nation.).  I was relieved to find out that I'm not developing Alzheimer's, which has been rampant on my Dad's side of the family.  Long story short, I came away with a treatment plan that was invaluable.  I also came away with the inspiration to become a Certified Brain Health Coach through the Amen Clinic. If you're interested in exploring this approach, you can contact me for more information.  FYI, they ...