Mental Health Tools & Skills - Therapy in a Nutshell!
Everyone needs mental health tools & skills! Just like building a house or fixing a car, you need to understand what's going on & be able to apply the appropriate strategies. You need to know where your expertise leaves off, when you need a team, and when you need professional help.
This is true whether or not you've ever been diagnosed with a specific mental illness. For example, we all have thoughts & feelings that need understanding & managing, especially when life is hard & we're suffering.
Therapy in a Nutshell
One of the best free resources I've found online is Therapy in a Nutshell. Emma McAdam is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist , (LMFT) and a Christian.
She has, at last count, about 30 educational videos on YouTube focused on how to process your emotions, and a FREE mental health course, Grounding Skills for Anxiety on her website. There are also 3 Free Downloadable Tools: a Habit Builder, an Emotion Tracker, an Emotion Processing Overview in PDF form.
There is a substantial variety of other courses available for a fee. Unfortunately, she is not available for Coaching or Therapy, or I'd gladly work with her!
I love her educational videos! They run about 15 minutes each, are enjoyable and easy to understand, as well as being clinically evidence based. Here is the first video of her educational videos on YouTube:
How to Process Emotions - Video 1: Name It to Tame It
Here is link to her website:
Be sure and sign up for her free weekly email tips!