"Change Your Brain, Change Your Life", by Dr. Daniel Amen

 Physicians rarely look at the organ they're treating.  They choose psychiatric medicines for patients based primarily on symptom clusters.  It's a recipe for side-effects and failed treatment.

For well over 20 years, Dr. Daniel Amen has been using SPECT scans as part of an integrative, whole-person work-up.  Spect scans can tell you what part of your brain is working too hard or not hard enough, or is functioning normally.  This information, combined with your history, and extensive labs that include tests not commonly given, can result in a truly personalized treatment plan.

For those who can't come to a clinic, he wrote this book, and also has some free brain health assessments available on line.  If you would like to go to a clinic, he provides very reasonable payment plans.

So, if you are scientifically inclined, put on your detective hat, and dive in.  You'll get a better understanding of what's happening in your brain, plus suggestions for treatment and lifestyle changes.   This approach is for you  - if you are willing to work hard for your recovery.  Kind of counter culture, I know!

I went to his clinic in the Seattle area before I turned 70, and, among others things, I learned that I didn't have Alzheimer's (signs of which can show on a SPECT scan 10 years before symptoms arise!), and that I needed a bit more trauma therapy.  Happy to talk about my experience at the clinic if you're seriously interested.

To chat, email:  HMH@mymcc.cc

For free online assessments:  Brain Health Assessments

To learn about Amen Clinics:  Amen Clinics    


Berta Aronson, MSW

Coordinator, Hope for Mental Health

a ministry of Monmouth Christian Church

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